A colourful cartogram of the 2021 federal election. Featuring your favourite independent cartographer as a modest patch of orange in Cypress Hills—Grasslands!
A colourful cartogram of the 2019 federal election, the second and more subdued Liberal victory under Justin Trudeau.
A colourful cartogram of the 2015 federal election, Justin Trudeau's inaugural Liberal majority.
A colourful cartogram of the 2011 federal election, Harper's Conservative majority with a remarkable second-place finish by Layton's NDP.
A colourful cartogram of the 2008 federal election, Harper's second minority government. Also featuring Stephane Dion and the Coalition Crisis.
A colourful cartogram of the 2006 federal election, Harper's first minority government.
A colourful cartogram of the 2000 federal election, Chrétien's third majority government.
A colourful cartogram of the 1993 federal election, the world-famous collapse of the P.C. Party with Chrétien left to defend his Liberal majority from two new regionalist movements.
A colourful cartogram of the 1988 federal election, Mulroney's second sweep and the election that brought us the GST.
A colourful cartogram of the 1984 federal election, Mulroney's P.C. landslide uniting Quebec and the West.
A colourful cartogram of the 1968 federal election, the height of Trudeaumania.
A colourful cartogram of the 1962 federal election, first appearance of the NDP with Diefenbaker's majority ruptured by the re-emergence of the Socreds.
A colourful cartogram of the 1958 federal election, Diefenbaker's Conservative landslide.